Here we go

May 15, 2009

I’m going to try to update my blog about something. Even though it is about two weeks until I’m getting my gecko, I still can’t wait. But my life is still going, so here we go. Some friends and I have started a warhammer club at my school. I finished converting a chaos dreadnought for my next door neighbour, and have plans to scratch build a nightwing interceptor.

I’ve mostly stopped playing wc3 and related games, and instead have started playing Oblivion and and left 4 dead more. And i’m currently typing  with my monitor turned off. In an IT lesson. While watching a programme on computer safety. Egad, it’s so patronising… Oh, i’ve also given up on overlord.

Yeah, sorry…

May 12, 2009

I haven’t posted for so long.  This is probably because anything I do is dimmed into insignificance by the fact that I’m going to get a leopard gecko on the 30th! Due to this I cannot think of anything else to write here. Bye!

…and now your soul will die.

This was the last line of a large riddle our DnD party found cunningly hidden inside a massive mosaic. Because yesterday, I took part in a 9-5 DnD game day, playing the tomb of horrors, the biggest adventure ever written. In out six and a half hours of actual gameplay, we got about 1/8 of the way through the dungeon, and suprisingly, only one person died! Admittedly however, it was the toughest member of the party, and was one-hit by a four armed mutant gargoyle. But then iwe managed to kill it with a well-placed greater invisibility spell, a cunningly kicked bucket, a timely pyrotechnics spell, some fancy goggles and a lot of flaming arrow sneak attacks. And we only fought two major fights, the other one was a skeleton thing, but it was revealed to us as a bone goll…….em by the DM. Fail. And out of the three mysterious chests in the room that it was in, one of the magically locked ones had the aforementioned bone golem, one had a nest of vipers in it, and the last one had a ring of protection in it. Afterwards, I realised that this was mentioned in a part of the riddle. Oh, and I forgot to mention- I was playing a gnome illusionist. The only two traps we set off in the whole time we were playing were set of by the rogue being stupid. One of them was the box with the ring of protection in it, my brother took out the ring without checking for traps, and we were all shot up with crystal darts. The second one was in a blank room with three levers at one end, the rogue just pulled them all randomly, and the floor opened up beneath him, he fell 100ft into a pit of grave motes, and the floor closed after him. My flying spells saved his bacon.

In other news, I bought left 4 dead over the weekend, which is an amazingly fun zombie shooter and is techincally and 18. It didn’t stop me though.

Here’s why. If you go through life as an optimist, expecting good things to happen, you get really sad when they don’t. But if you go through life as a pessimist, expecting bad things to happen, you get really happy when they don’t. It’s quite strange actually that because of this optimists tend to be quite gloomy people on the whole, and pessimists tend to be quite cheerful. Wierd.

In other news, I can now solve my Rubik’s cube! I solved it this morning in two minutes and five seconds.

…unless you read my last post and are waiting for an account of my orky konvershunz. (I will be updating with pictures at some point, but a)they were taken on a really bad camera and b)I haven’t finished painting yet.

I opened the blisters and layed out the pieces on my table. I had planned what I wanted the final models to look like already to some extent, but it’s always fairly hard to get the result you wanted. Oh, and because I haven’t yet told you what I’ve been converting, I bought a 40k Ork Warboss wiv `uge choppa and a warhammer fantasy black orc big boss. My plan was to swap the heads over, give the fantasy ork a power klaw, swap the weapon arms round on the 40k ork, give him a double edged axe and a lot more dakka. The only two things I managed to do were the power klaw and more gun dakka, and due to difficulties with the arm movement the fantasy orc ended up with a bionik arm, having mauled the arm that was meant to go there. I also gained three blisters in the process.

But despite this, I also managed to give the 40k ork bioniks ( I reckoned they were needed to support the gun after all the dakka I had attatched) And I also attatched a gitfinda.

I stuck the fantasy orc onto a round base, because square ones just look plain silly, but did no more about the bases at that point.  I sprayed them and left them to dry, and began to paint. So far I have fully painted the skin on the 40k ork, based the skin on the fantasy orc and based the metal on the 40k ork. More coming soon, with pictures and more painting details.

In other news, still very little is happening in my life.

Finally, a post

April 27, 2009

The reason I haven’t posted for so long is that I have had nothing to post about. But over the weekend I did some major orky convershunz, so I’m posting about that now. But as there isn’t really that much time available to me right now before my lessons start, you’ll have to wait until later to get the full details.

In other news, nothing much is happening in my life at the moment.

School (again)

April 21, 2009

Well, this is my second day back at school, and I’ve already started counting down to next half-term. In other news, I finished painting all my dire avengers, prince Yriel and two more howling banshees. Also, I’ve completed some more (very fun) dark brotherhood quests in oblivion. Heh.

I’m Back

April 18, 2009

Yes, I’m back after five days of House Party. It’s an annual thing with my church, where we go to spend five days eating, sleeping, playing crazy games, singing worship, looking at the Bible and praying.

In other news, I’ve started Oblivion. I got stuck on Overlord and wanted to try something else, and have now shot through the ranks in the Imperial city arena.

Also, I’m going to try to start painting my Warhammer more. I want to do some orky converzhuns, but first I want all my Eldar (or most) painted first.


April 11, 2009

My father has had a sudden burst of DIY.  He is painting most of the house, re-grouting the shower etc. Also, at Whirlow park all but three of the ducks have vanished, and I found out the effectiveness of a thorn-covered stick as a torture implement.